Friday, July 30, 2010

Stella Dallas
4346 Lovers Lane

I went into Stella Dallas again yesterday. If you recall, the shop opened more than a year ago by former GM of Stephanie Anne's, Amber Davidson. Interesting bit of info: the name of the store came from her great-grandmother love of the radio soap called Stella Dallas. Did you even know such a thing existed? Fun fact!

Anyway, every time I'm in the area I'm always tempted to stop in no matter what the parking situation is like. They do such a great job with the window displays and really putting quality pieces on their floor instead of quantity. There's a limited selection but even so I still found 4 pieces I immediately wanted. Price in several instances was the roadblock, however. I took a few pics while on my last visit of some of their reasonably priced items. For instance , I loved these glass balls as table topper decoration and they were under $15/each. That table they are sitting on is fabulous as well and it's on sale too as a floor sample for I believe around $900 which isn't bad at all considering the size and construction.

I also loved these profiles of animals and humans which go for around $125. I think I saw these on Daily Candy a while back, but it's always nice to do the transaction through a store just for piece of mind.

Lovers Lane really has some fun unique shopping that isn't run of the mill that you see everywhere else. I actually ventured down West Lovers on this visit and found some fabulous finds, but that's for another post!

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