Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Will The Bolo Tie Ever Return?

In some respects I hope not, but then there's that other side of me that says it could be amazing...I kind of secretly think they're hilarious and fun! Plus as we all know fashion is cyclical so it's almost inevitable.

What sparked this bolo tie comeback idea you might ask? Well my boyfriend told me the other day, in one of our "who was cooler in middle school/high school" debates, that he was cooler in his silk shirt and bolo tie in middle school. I naturally disagreed since the only bolo tie I've ever worn was in 3rd grade and by middle school the bolo tie was clearly out of fashion. (BTW not even going to address the silk shirt in this post, but again it's only a matter of time before the ol' silk button down returns!) Still laughing!

I can honestly see the hipsters of New York/Brooklyn bringing them back first with their unique vintage store finds. So if you feel brave....give it a whirl!

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